Arai Research Lab
Environmental Soil and Water Chemistry
Welcome to Arai Research Lab at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The research group is led by Dr. Yuji Arai. We are a molecular environmental chemistry research group. Our research interest is to understand the molecular level chemical reactions of nutrients, metal(loid)s, and radionuclides at the soil mineral-water interface and in aquatic/terrestrial organisms that are responsible for field-scale processes (e.g., nutrient cycling and bioaccumulation). We are especially interested in (a)biotically influenced partitioning (i.e., adsorption, desorption, precipitation, and dissolution) and redox reactions of contaminants at the soil mineral-water interface. This web-page is intended to provide the information to help future group members make sure they have all the necessary information and general information about Arai Research Lab. Dr. Arai is seeking motivated graduate students in both education and research programs.
Contact us
Dr. Yuji Arai
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
Office: 217-244-3602